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Mingyuan Education Acadamy Experimental Primary School Drumline, Beijing



Beijing mingyuan education academy experimental primary school was founded in 2010 to encourage the world percussion club, now chaoyang district chaoyang chaohua art group. Since its establishment, it has been carrying out the group training of "preciseness, persistence and cooperation", actively cooperating with the school's purpose of running school, so that students can get a better mental outlook and excellent quality from the association. Has won many national and urban awards. A visit to Japan in 2017 bands represent China percussion institute percussion with Japan to learn communication, not only accept the scene of the top master's guidance, but also with Japan champion marching band rehearsal playing together, and sinpo Ann hall held a special concert in Tokyo. Won the first gold prize in the national youth percussion competition for many times. Orchestra encouragement: the achievement children become the champion of life! In the assiduous training, the lecturer in line with the teacher's mission of preaching, teaching, and solving doubts. Forge children to become: family pride, social elites, the pillars of the country. Marching percussion, marching.

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  • 中國音樂家協會打擊樂學會理事

  • 日本play wood 行進鼓棒代言人

  • 世界著名音樂劇《貓》巡演鼓手

  • 北京鼓舞天下行進文化有限公司

  • 北京行進聯盟文化有限公司創始人


  • Director of percussion association of China musicians association

  • Japan's play wood marching drum stick spokesperson

  • Drummer on the world famous musical show cats

  • Beijing inspire world marching culture co. LTD

  • Founder of Beijing marching alliance culture co. LTD


The Duxing Orchestra of Xueyuan Road Primary School, Haidian District, Beijing

          北京市海店區學院路小學“篤行”樂團成立於2009年,現有150餘人,佔全校人數32%,低年級開設打擊樂課,使學生掌握一項技能並提供後備軍。樂團成長始終踐履“愛眾親仁 樂學篤行”的校訓,朝著全方位立體化育人目標努力。曾獲得國際、國家及市區諸多獎項。 2011年起連續三次“北京市藝術節行進打擊樂展演金獎”,成為北京市唯一一支連續三屆冠軍隊伍;2012年“香港步操公開賽金獎”;近年連續兩次“北京市學生藝術節行進管樂展演第一名”;2017年樂團出訪日本與之交流,在東京新浦安音樂廳舉辦專場音樂會。樂團建設是為孩子們打好人生底色,培養具有良好的意志品質,成為國內頂尖樂團,躋身世界優秀行進管樂團。 “篤行”樂團,在“篤行”,“篤行”成就未來。

The Duxing Orchestra of Xueyuan Road Primiary School was established in 2009, there are more than 150 people now, accounting for 32% of the whole school. School sets up percussion class to lower grades, in order to make the students master a skill and provide talented students to Duxing Orchestra. Duxing has always been practicing the motto of "love others, love to learn and devote our heart and soul to do the thing we love ", striving for the goal of raising people in three-dimensional and all aspects.

Duxing has won many awards from international, national and urban areas. Since 2011, Duxing has became the only three consecutive gold medal winner of the "Beijing Art Festival Marching Percussion performances Award"; Duxing won the" Gold Medal for Hong Kong Marching Open" in 2012; In recent years, Duxing has been two consecutive winner of "Beijing student Arts Festival March";In 2017,Duxing visited Japan, and held a special concert at the Sinpo Concert Hall in Tokyo.

The construction of Duing is to lay a good foundation for children, cultivate good willpower and become the top Orchestra among others. Duxing practices Orchestral music wholeheartedly," Duxing" achievement future.


Profile of Instructor



Yang Xiaotao

The former Chinese Armed Police Band performer and the marching queue director. He had been an external teacher of the Music Department of Minzu University of China.

He has been taught in more than 70 schools for over 20 years, involving the Chamber Orchestra, the marching drum team, the marching Orchestra and marching band in different universities,middle schools and primary schools from 9provinces.  The works he planed and directed won the golden prize and the best creative awards in the Asia Pacific region for many times; the golden medal of Hongkong Marching Band Open for two years in succession.; the national first prize and Beijing golden prize of the marching orchestra and the marching band for many times. Some of the schools has also created a record of winning the golden prize for 7 consecutive years. The representative works are 《Micheal Jackson》, 《Jianghu》 ,《CRAZY DRUMS 》《CATS》.


Pinglin Junior High School Band, New Taipei City

         民國 87 年在新北市政府與坪林區地方仕紳的支持下,成立了本團。全校 約九成以上學生 都學管樂,此任務相當艱鉅然而在歷年教育團隊的努力經營下偏鄉子 都學管樂,此任務相當艱鉅然而在歷年教育團隊的努力經營下偏鄉子 都學管樂,此任務相當艱鉅然而在歷年教育團隊的努力經營下偏鄉子 都學管樂,此任務相當艱鉅然而在歷年教育團隊的努力經營下偏鄉子 都學管樂,此任務相當艱鉅然而在歷年教育團隊的努力經營下偏鄉子 都學管樂,此任務相當艱鉅然而在歷年教育團隊的努力經營下偏鄉子 都學管樂,此任務相當艱鉅然而在歷年教育團隊的努力經營下偏鄉子 能藉由學習樂器 來獲得成就感及藝文素養,且對未來展現自信也為地方舉辦活動時爭相邀約的象。

In 1998, the PLJH Band was established with the support of theNew Taipei City Government and Pinglin community. More than 90% of the students all have to learn how to play the instruments. This task is very challenge. However, with great efforts of the education team over the years, our students can acquire accomplishment,confidence, arts literacyby being in wind band.Also, they have been honor to be invited performing by local organization or activities many times.


Profile of Instructor






Quen-Fong Lee

Currently being the clarinetist of the Keelung Symphony Wind Orchestra and Taipei Civic Symphony Band, Saxophonist of the [HUB]Jazz combo.

He is Director of Tatung University Wind Band、Tatung senior High School Band、Pinglin Junior High School Band、Leli elementary school Band.

Jim Yu Gao

Currently being the Pinglin High School Marching Band-Designer

Formerly Taipei yuehfu Drum & Bugle Corps-Front ensemblepercussion(Pit)

2010-2011『eMOTIONs』Taipei Students Marching Band-Band Director

Taipei Jinwen Senior High School Marching Band –Designer


Po Leung Kuk Ho Yuk Ching 1984 College Self Discpline Unit Marching Band, Hong Kong

       SDU全名Self Discipline Unit (領行者) 是香港保良局甲子何玉清中學於2006年成立的校本制服隊伍,由香港警務處義工隊協辦及提供步操和領袖訓練。並於2011年開始發展SDU步操樂團,希望讓學生在這個音藝表演平台上盡展所長,發光發亮,建立更強的自信和團隊精神。在導師悉心教導下,學員在音樂上有所發展;加上警務處步操樂團的交流分享,使學員獲益良多。從成立至今,SDU步操樂團憑藉努力及刻苦的訓練,贏得一次又一次的讚譽,更獲邀參與多個典禮作奏樂助慶及參與國際盛事,如「2017上海之春國際音樂節管樂藝術節」、「日本東京夏日步操樂團節」、「香港藝術、文化與音樂巡禮」等。樂團在相關比賽上亦取得驕人成績,於2014至2017連續四年奪得香港步操樂團公開賽金獎。

Self-Discipline Unit, abbreviated as S.D.U., is a uniformed group of Po Leung Kuk Ho Yuk Ching (1984) College in Hong Kong.  Since 2006, S.D.U. has been receiving drill practices and leadership trainings from the volunteers of the Hong Kong Police Force.  For a more diversified development, the S.D.U. Marching Band was formed in 2011 to strengthen team spirit, boost students’ self-esteem and let students shine on stage.  The sharing from the Hong Kong Police Band was particularly valuable to the growth of our Marching Band.  Thanks to the chief conductor of the S.D.U. Marching Band, students have been continuously inspired and challenged and have made significant accomplishments in music over the past seven years.  The S.D.U. Marching Band has been invited to perform in various ceremonies, inaugurations and international events.  For example, “The 35th Shanghai Spring International Music Festival”, “Tokyo Summer Marching Band Festival”, “Hong Kong Classic: Art, Culture and Music”,  etc.  Among all the prizes we were awarded, the Gold Prize in the Hong Kong Marching Band Contest in four consecutive years from 2014 to 2017 were definitely the most honourable and glorious moments to our school. 


Profile of Instructor


Mr. Byron Chan is the conductor of various schools and colleges bands.  During the past thirty years, the bands under his leading received numerous acclaims in indoor and outdoor performances, and obtained excellent results in different contests.  To promote marching band activities in China and Hong Kong, and communicate with other local, public and overseas organization to exchange bands information and knowledge, he established Hong Kong Marching Band & Drum Corps Association in 2002. He is also the member of China Association for Symphonic Bands and Ensembles since 2007, the Director of Asia Pacific Bands Association since 2008.  In 2015 and 2017, he was invited to serve as judge of Shanghai Spring International Music Festival.


Stella Matutina Girls Senior High School Marching Band, Taichung City




Stella Matutina Girls’High School is a Catholic School that believes in holistic education. Besides paying much attention to students’ academic performance and morality, our school promotes club activities to achieve the goal of being “physically, mentally, and spiritually holistic”. Our marching band originated from the wind band class in 1994. The flag team was added the next year. The beautiful, elegant color guards have often been seen at many festive events in Taichung City for the past 20 years since the band’s establishment. The audience are often impressed by its neat marching band, interchangeable drills, colorful flags and sparkling music. Marching band members learn about teamwork through rehearsals and performances. The experiences help them to develop their personalities.

In recent years, Teacher Chou Chien-Ann and Teacher Yang Chin-Yi dedicated their efforts to designing multiple themes for the marching band to perform, e.g. 007 Spy Mission, the Wizard of Oz, Mulan, Frozen, Hunger Game, etc. Their latest design, Girls’ Dream of Flying, was performed in the national student music competition and received a successful result.


Profile of Instructor


      輔仁大學音樂研究所畢業,主修樂團指揮,師從郭聯昌教授,管樂教學啟蒙於周忠實老師。82年開始指導管樂團迄今,主要擔任各級學校管樂團指導,並致力於室外行進樂隊演出形式之推廣。多次受邀擔任國慶表演團隊專案策劃及指導,去年應邀赴天津舉辦打擊樂講座,並獲邀擔任Mair Drum打擊樂器品牌代言人。今年受邀為抗戰七十週年紀念活動擔任表演指導。目前為國立海洋大學管樂團指揮並擔任多所學校樂團指導老師。


      自民國 81 年起擔任專業樂旗隊教練至今;現任景美女中、曉明女中、新興高中、西苑高中、大甲國中、能仁家商、埤頭國中,並於民國 87 年成立「無限旗旗舞藝術表演團」,致力旗舞表演藝術。


Jianan Zhou

Graduated from Fu Jen Catholic University master degree of Music. Major orchestra conductor, professor Lianchang Guo, the enlightenment of the band Orchestra by Teacher Zhongshi Zhou.

Instructed the orchestra in 1993, served as a guide for all levels of school orchestras, and committed to the promotion of outdoor marching band performances. Many times invited to perform as a performance team project planning and guidance, last year was invited to go to Tianjin to hold percussion lectures. Invited to serve as the Mair Drum Percussion brand spokesperson.

Chin-Yi Yang

Chin-Yi Yang has been the color guard director since 1992. She is currently teaching at Jingmei Girls' High School, Stella Matutina Girls' High School, Shin Shing High School, Shi-Yuan Senior High School, Dajia Senior High School, Neng Ren Home Economic And Commercial Vocational High School and Pitou Junior High School. She founded the Infinity in 1998 and devoted herself to color guard ever since.

She has created various performances for both indoor color guard showcases and outdoor marching bands. Each year, teams are praised by earning Excellent Award, Distinguished Honor Award, and First Place Award in the National Student Competition of Music, as well as participating in National Sports Tournaments and performing on national holidays.


JingMei Girls High School Marching Band, Taipei City




Our marching band of today was officially organized in 1962 with a history of 56 years. Under the direction of former principals and instructors, our team has made many outstanding achievements. When the color guard was organized in the year of 1996, the marching band was brought into a new level of excellence. Our team, composed of the daughters of the Sun God, has been constantly invited to perform in many venues, festivals and activities for public welfare. In 2010 and 2015, our team was invited to perform in the opening ceremony of Taipei pavilion in Shanghai World Expo and International Band Festival in Malaysia respectively,since 2016,we have been invited to participate Festival of brass bands in Yekaterinburg for two consecutive years. Their terrific performances in all kinds of nationwide and citywide contests were also highly acclaimed by the public. With students’ perseverance and constant practice to perfect their performance, our team is sure to impress the audience with their youth, passion, excellence and pioneering innovations.


Profile of Instructor






Lai, Pei-Hung was born in Taipei, Taiwan on December 9, 1966. He graduated from National Taiwan Academy of Arts (now called National Taiwan University of Arts) and majored in Chinese music. He also attended the National Taiwan University of Arts, studying with Prof. Pi, Hsueh-Fu and Prof. Liu, Sung-Hui. In 1999, he continued his studies in Baltimore city in the US and studied with Prof. David Fedderly. At the same time he studied with Edward Hoffman, the chair of Brass Faculty in Peabody Institute.

Professional activities:

  • Director of the TFG Marching Band at Asia Pacific Music Festival.(1992)

  • Director of Jing Mei Marching Band at Singapore Conference Hall for performance.(1993)

  • Director of Jing Mei Marching Band at Brisbane, Australia for music festival.(1995)

  • Director of SAIHS Marching Band at Hong Kong Music Festival.(2001)

  • Director of Jing Mei Marching Band at Taiwan Pavilion of 2010 World Expo opening ceremony.

  • Conductor of JMMB, TFGMB, CKMB, ZSMB at National High School...


      自民國 81 年起擔任專業樂旗隊教練至今;現任景美女中、曉明女中、新興高中、西苑高中、大甲國中、能仁家商、埤頭國中,並於民國 87 年成立「無限旗旗舞藝術表演團」,致力旗舞表演藝術。


Chin-Yi Yang

Chin-Yi Yang has been the color guard director since 1992. She is currently teaching at Jingmei Girls' High School, Stella Matutina Girls' High School, Shin Shing High School, Shi-Yuan Senior High School, Dajia Senior High School, Neng Ren Home Economic And Commercial Vocational High School and Pitou Junior High School. She founded the Infinity in 1998 and devoted herself to color guard ever since.

She has created various performances for both indoor color guard showcases and outdoor marching bands. Each year, teams are praised by earning Excellent Award, Distinguished Honor Award, and First Place Award in the National Student Competition of Music, as well as participating in National Sports Tournaments and performing on national holidays.


Calgary Stetson Show Band, Canada

       Calgary Stetson Show Band在1988年成立於加拿大的社區高中的行進樂團的學生。該團提供多元化的機會增進個人發展、音樂修養、表演及交流。該團制服上的黑色與金色,代表爾加里、亞伯達、加拿大傳統與創新的獨特結合。

 樂隊在每年夏天都會參與一些全國性或國際的節目賽事。此外,該團體經常參加許多活動表演,例如The Calgary Stampede Parade遊行, Banff Canada Day Parade和卡爾加里的春季展覽…等。如Calgary Stetson Show Band結合了音樂和動作表演帶給觀眾們一個難以忘記的體驗。該活動為每年常態性慶典,Calgary Stetson Show Band藉此提升了許多音樂技巧及多元豐富的精湛演出。

 Calgary Stetson Show Band這幾年在行進樂隊領域中著重在演出表現上。樂隊團員和舞者運用舞台編排及音樂傳達迷人的視覺饗宴給觀眾。每年的表演不僅僅是場表演,也讓團員們有著獨特的難忘回憶。

從2015年樂團在Show bands Live!行進樂隊比賽中獲得第一名。也在2015年和2016年卡爾加里牛仔節大遊行贏得最佳高校樂隊和最佳總體樂隊的榮譽。此後更是行進樂隊賽事的常勝大軍。

近30年來,Calgary Stetson Show Band在國際上取得許多榮譽稱號。在行進樂隊表演上贏得的大獎橫跨北美、歐洲、亞洲。也希望能藉由該團隊與台灣學校的交流活動,充實二校的行進樂隊技巧!

The Calgary Stetson Show Band was formed in 1988 as a community based marching show band for senior high school students. Over the past thirty years, the band has proudly represented Calgary, Alberta and Canada with entertaining and innovative performances, while providing young people with the excitement and challenge of a marching music ensemble.  As a competitive senior band, the Calgary Stetson Show Band has excelled with their high standards of musicianship and performance developed in an atmosphere of camaraderie and fun.  Regular season performances include numerous parades, concerts and high-profile community events within Calgary and southern Alberta.  The band has performed for members of the royal family, including the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, and the Prime Minister of Canada, among others.

The Stetson Band is committed to sharing musical experiences with peers around the world, and regularly participates in the World Association of Marching Show Bands competitions, hosted worldwide.  The Stetson Show Band has travelled internationally, to locations from Switzerland to South Korea.  This past summer, the band celebrated Canada’s 150 Sesquicentennial with two weeks of performances at the Royal Nova Scotia International Tattoo.  Looking forward, the band will be travelling to Taipei, Taiwan, in July 2018, to compete in the World Association of Marching Show Bands World Championship Competition.  Part of the student travel experience includes collaborating with, and performing alongside, local bands and musical ensembles. 

Since 2015, the Stetson Show Band has won first place in the Showbands Live! Marching Competition, winning both Top Senior Band, and Top Overall Band, in the Calgary Stampede Parade in 2015 and 2016.  In 2014, the Stetson Show Band travelled to Brazil, where they competed in the World Association of Marching Show Bands World Championships.  In Brazil, the Stetson Show Band won the World Championship Parade Competition, and placed second in the World Championship Field Show Competition, scoring 92.4.  In addition to performing as a marching show band, band members also perform in Winter Drumline, Winterguard and Concert Band Programs.

The Calgary Stetson Show Band has been recognized with many honours over the past 30 years, including winning the World Championship of Freestyle Street Parade in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, regularly winning gold seals at the Calgary Kiwanis Festival, and winning top honours in band and parade competitions across North America.  In February 2016, the band was recognized with the prestigious Captain FM Ray McLeod Trophy for Most Outstanding Community Band at the Alberta International Band Festival.


Profile of Instructor

      安德莉亞 西歐那(Andrea Ciona)是位名聞遐邇的指揮、評審、表演者及教育者。至2008年起她持續擔任卡爾加里斯特森表演樂隊的指揮,在她的指導下,卡爾加里斯特森表演樂隊多年來屢屢奪冠、備受榮耀,其中包括2011馬來西亞和 2014 巴西WAMSB世界行進樂大賽2011的冠軍。西歐那的視覺呈現和舞蹈編制每次演出都受到高度讚揚,不僅蟬聯卡爾加里斯特森表演樂隊LIVE!大賽,更被指定於皇家新斯科舍國際紋身節演出。




Andrea Ciona is a highly regarded conductor, performer, adjudicator and educator.  She has been the director of the Calgary Stetson Show Band since 2008.  Under her leadership, the band has won competitions and received top honours at events worldwide, including World Associations of Marching Show Bands World Championship Parade titles in 2011 (Malaysia) and 2014 (Brazil).  Her visual design work and choreography has been performed and broadcast to high acclaim, including several consecutive Grand Championship titles at the Calgary Stampede Showbands Live! Competition, and command performances at the Royal Nova Scotia International Tattoo.

Ciona’s ensembles, both instrumental and choral, have been broadcast nationally, including featured Canadian television and radio broadcasts.  As a conductor, she has directed touring ensembles in locations including Italy, the United States of America, China, Switzerland, France, the Netherlands, Germany, Malaysia, and Brazil. 

A highly-regarded clarinetist, Ciona is the Principal Clarinetist of the Rocky Mountain Symphony Orchestra, and Alberta Winds – Calgary’s only professional wind ensemble.  She has performed with Theatre Calgary, the Cranbrook Symphony, and the Okanagan Symphony Orchestra.  As a clarinet soloist, Ciona has performed across North America, in Europe and in Asia.

Currently the Director of Choral Music at Bishop Carroll High School, Ciona has also served on the faculty at Red Deer College School of Music, and Mount Royal University Conservatory of Music, and is the former co-artistic of the Valley Winds Symphonic Winds.  She regularly adjudicates music festivals, leads workshops for other music educators and works as a guest conductor.  She holds bachelor of music (clarinet performance and voice) and bachelor of education (secondary music) degrees from the University of British Columbia, and the University of Calgary.

臺灣創價學會 天使鼓笛隊樂團(台北)

​Taiwan SGI Tianshi Fifes and Drums Corps, Taipei



Taiwan SGI Tianshi Fifes and Drums Corps belongs to Taiwan Soka Association. Taiwan Soka Association is a non-profit organization promoting value of culture, education and peace. Taiwan Soka Association aims to create the highest potential of human beings and facilitate friendship around the world.

Tianshi Fifes and Drums Corps comprises teenage girls and young women sharing the same passion for music and dance. Through music and dance we show the new generation energy.We were invited repeatedly by the Ministry of the Interior to many performance events. We expect ourselves to be like angels setting forth peace with music and dance and bringing fresh new air to the society.


Profile of Instructor


      輔仁大學音樂研究所畢業,主修樂團指揮,師從郭聯昌教授,管樂教學啟蒙於周忠實老師。82年開始指導管樂團迄今,主要擔任各級學校管樂團指導,並致力於室外行進樂隊演出形式之推廣。多次受邀擔任國慶表演團隊專案策劃及指導,去年應邀赴天津舉辦打擊樂講座,並獲邀擔任Mair Drum打擊樂器品牌代言人。今年受邀為抗戰七十週年紀念活動擔任表演指導。目前為國立海洋大學管樂團指揮並擔任多所學校樂團指導老師。

Jianan Zhou

Graduated from Fu Jen Catholic University master degree of Music. Major orchestra conductor, professor Lianchang Guo, the enlightenment of the band Orchestra by Teacher Zhongshi Zhou.

Instructed the orchestra in 1993, served as a guide for all levels of school orchestras, and committed to the promotion of outdoor marching band performances. Many times invited to perform as a performance team project planning and guidance, last year was invited to go to Tianjin to hold percussion lectures. Invited to serve as the Mair Drum Percussion brand spokesperson.


Victoria Institution Cadet Corps Band, Malaysia





VICCB is a niche area of the excellent cluster school, Victoria Institution. So, every year VICCB have to represent the school, Kuala Lumpur or Malaysia in multilevel of marching band championship in the country or abroad. VICCB is also the only school band in Malaysia known to organize its own military tattoos.

This success was secured by a group of young passionate school boys aged 13 through 17 years old, who are juggling band practice and their studies. VICCB divided into three main sections with one instructor respectively, which are drum & percussion section, bagpipes & colour-guard section and Brass section.

Mottos of VICCB are ‘Rise to the Occasion’, ‘To Perfection’ and ‘Never Say Die’.Finally, Marching bands provide an opportunity for character development among their members beyond what classrooms could offer. It is also a platform to gain exposure from other teams and countries that builds up their confidence, willpower to improve and succeed.


Profile of Instructor

       Fahad Ijlal (法哈特依拉)生于2001年1月27日。在過去三年,他擔任低音鼓組長,現任樂隊指揮員。這將是他與學員們最後的國際競標賽,所以他希望可以為校,為國增光。

Fahad Ijlal was born on 27th January 2001 and is a thoroughbred of Victoria Institution Cadet Corps Band. For the past 3 years, he has been the bassdrum row leader and he has now assumed the position of a conductor. This is will be his final international competition alongside his fellow cadets and wishes to make his school and country proud.


Sultan Ibrahim Girls School Marching Band, Malaysia

      蘇丹依布拉欣女子國中(SIGS)銅樂隊於1971年由前學校校長Dawn Parry女士成立。最初的成員只有46名學生,現在已擴大到148名正式成員。隊們員完全致力於保留樂隊的優良傳統,並秉承它的座右銘“無論晴雨,樂隊仍在演奏”。多年來,樂隊也參加過多項比賽,並贏得多項奬項。其中一些顯著的成就包括了於2014年在吉隆坡舉行的吉隆坡國際青年遊行樂隊比賽(KLIYMBC) 中獲得金牌獎,於2016年世界錦標賽遊行樂隊表演中獲得金牌獎。除了比賽之外,樂隊還承接了由馬來西亞私營和公共部門以及其他州政府機構組織所主辦的各種活動的邀請。


The SIGS Band was formed in the year 1971 by the late Madam Dawn Parry, the school’s former Principal. From an initial membership of 46 band members, now has grown to 148 band members who are totally committed to preserve the band’s fine tradition and fully devoted to their motto “Rain or Shine the Band still Stands”. Over the years the Band participated and won various awards in numerous competitions.

Some of the notable achievements include winning the title of Champion for the Kuala Lumpur International Youth Marching Band Competition (KLIYMBC) 2014 and obtaining Gold Medal award at the World Championship Marching Show Band 2016 both held in Kuala Lumpur. Competitions aside, the Band has also honoured the invitations received to perform at various functions organised by both the private and public sectors and other state government agencies in and out of Malaysia.

The Band hopes that the participation in this event will be a successful one which will bolster it’s standing as one of the elite marching band in Malaysia.


Instructor: Harisman Nasrun, Rohazuddin Hassan


​Chien Kuo High School Marching Band




建中樂旗隊也榮獲由美國蘇沙基金會所頒發之「蘇德勒盾章」(Sudler Shield Award),表彰其多年來的卓越成就。

Founded in 1983, ChienKuo High School Marching Band has enriched the lives of more than 2500 band alumni by nurturing their performing talents, providing a stage to showcase their musicianship, and instilling a sense of discipline, responsibility, confidence, and pride that would prove to be important lessons for life. The band has also enchanted audiences around the world with wonderful performances that brought home eight top-three placements in the World Championship for Marching Showbands and two champions in the Showbands Live! competition of the Calgary Stampede. It has also garnered more than twenty champions in the concert band and marching band contests in Taiwan's National Scholastic Music Contest. ChienKuo High School Marching Band is a proud recipient of the 2016 Sudler Shield Award, presented by the John Philip Sousa Foundation.


Profile of Instructor


范家銘曾參加建中樂旗隊、建中校友管樂團、台灣大學管樂團、台北樂府樂旗表演藝術團、雅頌合奏團、國防部示範樂隊,也曾在 2000 年獲得 DCI Division II 最佳指揮,並在開幕典禮的 Age-out 儀式中代表國際組致詞。

范家銘擁有口譯博士學位,平時在台灣大學任教,同時也是專業會議口譯員。他於 2015 年起擔任北一女中樂隊教練。

Damien Fan began teaching the marching band of his alma mater in 2001. He was a clarinet and oboe player and has served as the drum major (awarded 2000 DCI Division II Best Drum Major), corps director, and program coordinator of Taipei Yuehfu Drum and Bugle Corps, bringing the corps to a 2nd place finish in 2005 DCI Division III before he left the organization. He was also a member of the Ministry of National Defense Symphony Orchestra.


To recognize his achievement in leading the ChienKuo High School Marching Band, he and his band were presented the Sudler Shield Award by the John Philip Sousa Foundation in 2017.


Damien has a doctorate degree in interpreting studies, so his daytime job is a conference interpreter and a professor in conference interpreting at National Taiwan University.




Taiwan Marching Band Association




地址: 台北市萬華區長沙街二段96號7樓

7F., No.96, Sec. 2, Changsha St.,

Wanhua Dist., Taipei City 108, Taiwan

TEL: +886-2-2370-6619  

FAX: +886-2-2370-9281

​地址: 11008臺北市信義區市府路1號

 No.1, City Hall Rd., Xinyi District, Taipei City 11008, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

TEL: +886-2-2720-8889

​地址: 10553臺北市松山區南京東路4段10號

 No.10 ,Sec. 4, Nanjing E.Rd.,SongShan District, Taipei City 10553 Taiwan R.O.C

TEL: +886-2-2570-2330

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